Tuesday, August 2, 2011


OK. People of the world take your diaries out and put your teeth in. Cancel all appointments, meetings, operations, holidays. THE global event of the year is nigh. PB2 is launching like a coked-up randy rocket at The magnificent Glór Sessions on Aug 22nd. at The International Bar Wicklow Street Dubland.

Miss this once (or twice) in a lifetime event and you will suffer an unfulfilled life of regret and misery.Among those who weren't there there will be a weeping and a wailing and a gnashing of fixadented dentures. Be there and be transported onto an (alcohol fuelled) higher plane of enlightenment joy and happiness, for life!. Guaranteed or your money back! (Tis free to enter)

Buy a copy of the mag PLUS FREE CD at the launch and heaven on earth will be yours for FIVE earth euros!! Sure we are giving it away (for a bluey)

Spread the word to the four corners of the planet, from Peru to Bejing and from Carlow to Ballymun, this is the time this is the place this is the moment that will change the course of history. And when your doe eyed grandchildren gaze up to your mottled wrinkly visage and ask ' 'Where were you granny/granda when PB2 was launched?'

Be sure you can look them in the eye and with unbridled passion and with steadfast pride say, 'My child, I WAS THERE!'

(Poetry Bus a magazine of the people, (funded) by the people, for the people.)


  1. Does this mean you are going to be there?

  2. It's a definite maybe Kate. I have to prepare people for how old and fat I am. I met Martin Egan the other day and he nearly fell over (he was luckily sitting down)He said he had thought I was a 30 year old skinny Trinity drop out!

  3. I'm planning to attend via astral projection. I'll be the one wearing the semi-transparent waistcoat.

  4. August 22. Got it. Will be viewing from CT, but there's no guarantee for how long. The new Ustream format doesn't agree with any of the computers I use. May end up viewing the Glor via Stephen's video collection. Have fun anyway!
